Multi-Dimensional, Results-Driven Senior Healthcare Executive with a distinguished record of 30+ yearsof financial/operational leadership of turnarounds, start-ups and taking established organizations to
the “next level” of performance/growth across diverse complex healthcare environments; including non-profit Hospitals/Systems, academic medical centers, large medical groups and Managed
Care/Population-Health/Quality/Quadruple-Aim organizations/programs (i.e., HMO’s, PPO’s, IPA’s,
PHO’s, ACO’s & Next Gen, CIN’s/IDS’s, MSO’s/PHSO’s, PCMH, Medicare Advantage, MSSP, MC/FFS contracting etc.).
Visionary transformational change agent adept at analyzing operations, pinpointing areas of deficiency, and implementing high-level solutions that integrate business, financial and technology assets to drive new levels of growth and profitability. Entrepreneurial-spirited team builder, leader and mentor who inspires, motivates and empowers teams, from the bottom up, to deliver unsurpassed excellence. Highly adept at building, managing and maintaining profitable, long-term relationships with strategic healthcare partners, clients and employees/team members around him.
Executive performance and revenue benchmarks include…
• Spearheaded the complete operational and IT restructuring of a large managed care organization that saved more than $2M per year; implemented statewide expansion of PPO network to 50+ hospitals and 4,000+ physicians, including all contract negotiations.
• Identified $5M in annual savings by leading an operational/financial restructuring, consolidation and
divestiture plan for primary care clinics for a major HMO, which included correcting Medicare compliance issues, eliminating 50 FTEs, revamping physician compensation plans, and virtually eliminating union grievances.
• Closed two-year >$15M deficit for a major nonprofit hospital by leading the divestiture of 21 primary
care/urgent care/occupational medicine clinics, including a total overhaul of financial and operating systems.
• Orchestrated the complete financial and operational turnaround of three failing hospitals, which
included the restructuring of one rural hospital, with less than $6K in operating funds post-bankruptcy; successfully achieving financial break-even in just six months.
• Conceived and developed the construction of offshore specialty healthcare centers, which included a
Multi million-dollar CT/MRI imaging center in Costa Rica that achieved profitability in six months and made medical history with first internet transmission of images to United States, and a $12 M ambulatory surgery and diagnostic center in Panama that achieved profitability in just 90 days.
• For a large medical group, increased net income by 12%, in first year and over 8% in second year. Also,
increased overall revenues by $13M+ from renegotiation of managed care contracts and CDM upgrade