Kelly Coyle is the owner of Kelly’s Gymnastics. She was a graduate of USC in with a Bachelor’s in Science and Education. She was an athlete in college who pursued education with business and became an owner in 1984. She has lived in the Columbia community for 35 years.
Kelly Gymnastics services preschool, afterschool, school districts, sports programs, camps, teaching gymnastics and lifelong skills for children. Ages 3-12, they work on getting into the grassroots with children as they’re growing up to help guide them with growth and development with skill levels, hoping these skills are lifelong habits they are going to be able to carry into adulthood. Character, attitude, respect, not everyone will be a gymnast, but they hope the skills from gymnastics can help them in life, pursue a career in athletics, be a teacher one, find their way and their career in life. Kelly works a lot with the school districts with internships, entrepreneurship, owning your own business. She helps develop children as they’re going through high school to help them find their own dream to one day become a business owner and be able to have their own company and career.
“COVID really stretched us. We went through this and there are many other businesses in my arenas that didn’t survive. We practiced all the CDC guidelines and let the parents know that we were going to keep their kids safe while they are with us and put into practice what we said we are going to do and the loyalty becomes that. A lot of students over the years come back to teach for me and that kind of shows who we are for people.
During COVID, I’ve been given a second chance and not only is it about gymnastics, it is the livelihood of these children so they can create a life that they enjoy.
I’ve always love to journal, write and read all types of books. That’s a good way to refresh and replenish myself so I can go out every day and give children in my community what they need to lift them up every day. I write, I read, I listen to podcasts so that can help me be a better mother, coach, and teacher. What I’ve learned from Toastmasters has helped me grow in another way. To help me and help others become better human beings and to create their own dreams.
I wrote a book, Simple is as Good as it Gets. I started writing it 5 years ago. I sold my gym and equipment so we could meet families on every corner and be available for them.
Our business more available to the parent and more convenient so they could get their children to classes and camps. Working diligently has helped me in developing the simplicity of my life and helps me to narrow things down to offer the best services in town. Instead of going 5 different ways, I’m going down one track and things are really productive and running more smoothly. Being a trailblazer and not a trailwalker, that’s one of the chapters in my book. Having the courage to change, a testimony speaks truth are some other chapters that I live by each day. The book has created a new beginning for my life, my family and the people that I go out and work with every day. L