Got an email from a listener this morning wondering if there was a law that said good news couldn't be reported anymore. After the weekend we just had I can see his point.
I quickly reassured him that I had good news to pass along on this Monday morning, so here it is:
- The Supreme Court on Friday in a 5-4 decision ruled that the Trump administration can in fact use Pentagon funds to build portions of the border wall with Mexico. The ACLU, one of several organizations that initially sued over the idea said their challenge isn't over yet. That got me to wondering is there a higher court in the land that maybe I missed out on? Hmm..where to they go from here?
- Trump said over the weekend that he is considering designating ANTIFA as a "major" terrorist organization. Did you realize that of the hundreds of groups the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center claims are hate groups, ANTIFA is NOT one of them? Come again with that!
- Tega Cay City Council has backtracked and decided that The Lord can stay on a monument that honors fallen police officers. Somebody in the Upstate got triggered and as is so often the case the city capitulated to the loudest among us. Thankfully they decided to add The Lord back after other voices got even louder. Kicker is, the city didn't put up this memorial it was donated by a private group so don't come at me that whole religion and state argument.
- And last but not least we didn't get hit by an asteroid! Yep! Turns out what astronomers say was a "city killer" passed within 45,000 of Mother Earth. In space distance that's pretty dang close and they say they didn't even see this one coming. Not sure about you, but it's fine with me if they just skip the announcement saying we are getting ready to get taken out by one on the scale of the dino killer! BTW, if this one had hit West Baltimore would the media have called it "racist"?
There you go, some good news for a Monday. Enjoy your week!