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MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF) - A man was arrested Friday after police say he made his way onto a shrimp boat that washed ashore during Hurricane Ian.
MCpl. Tom Vest with the Myrtle Beach Police Department said 50-year-old Issac Shaw is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly climbing onto the boat “while it was tossing in the surf.”
The boat gathered the attention of many in Myrtle Beach Friday afternoon as Hurricane Ian made its way through the Grand Strand.
Police said no one was on board when the former 'Winds of Fortune' of Shem Creek, now home to a North Carolina crew who was rescued by the Coast Guard on Thursday that 'washed ashore in the area of 21st Avenue South.
Despite the crowds, the MBPD is asking people not to go near the boat as authorities investigate. The boat’s owner told WMBF News on Saturday that they expect to have it off the beach by early next week.
Tune in 6-9 a.m. Monday to News Radio 94.3 WSC for updates from the current crew and boat's previous owners.
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Click HERE for more on this story and a link to DONATE 'Fund raiser in place to Save Shayna Michelle Shrimp Boat'