SC Lawmakers Push Safety with FL School Shooting


The school shooting in in Parkland, FL has heavy discussions going on in the South Carolina State House. 

Lt. Governor Kevin Bryant said “You have to think about, is my child going to be safe? Is my child going to get shot? Is my child going to come home at the end of the day?”  

Bryant previously filed a pair of bills. One would allow school districts to designate school staff to carry concealed weapons and be trained to use them for active shooter scenarios. 

In the house, a similar bill is filed by Rep. Joshua Putnam 

The other bill, which is meeting resistance by lawmakers who say it would only threaten safety more, would allow districts to use state dollars in order to hire more security. 

The debates will continue, none of those bills have been assigned a committee hearing thus far. What do you think is the best course of action to try and prevent these school shootings?

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