When you head to the polls to elect a representative, you have the reasonable expectation that the person you help put in office will not only represent your interests, but will work hard to keep you informed of how they are going about doing that.
Now for a US Senator or House member that might be nothing more than an occasional newsletter, but when you get down to the county level you should expect much more than that.
Well…welcome to Richland County.
Apparently some members of Richland County Council are just a bit too busy these days to keep you in the loop.The answer? Spend $50,000 of your tax dollars to hire an outside PR firm to do what these members and their staffs should already be doing.
Don’t forget this is the same outfit that got themselves in hot water with the SC Supreme Court over hiring multiple outside PR firms to spin the Penny Tax Program.Seems as that is what they are doing again. PR firm or message spinners?
Richland County already has an internal PR firm, and it’s true that it’s not out of the ordinary for an entity like this to employ an outside PR firm.But this firm would represent and work with Council members individually and that is very rare. PR experts say that’s a little too involved in politics and as such that’s why it’s almost never done.
Hmm…wonder if this firm would be working on their re-election?
Other councils find ways to keep in touch with their constituents, why not this one?
I think the answer is that what they are really looking for is someone to help them rehab their image. Now that’s a waste of $50k!